Training - How training works / its duration
The training programs are developed mainly to support our customers in the use of Elastic. As a new user to Elastic, we encourage you to go through the training program which has been designed to walk you through an enjoyable journey of your new ERP software. The onboarding process takes you from the beginner to advanced processes of the system. 
The course material is HRDC approved and a certificate of attendance is awarded to the participants at the end of the course. The course is normally conducted over a period of two days with examples and hands-on in a classroom environment.
As a local company contributing to HRDC levy, you may apply for a refund from HRDC up to the government approved % of the course fee based on the contribution made by your company. You are encouraged to check the details of refund at HRDC.
The course fee varies depending upon the training requested and will be between Rs10,000 to Rs25,000 per participants.